

Verify date calculations #

Main theorems:

Get next_date of dt:

  • if dt.Day is less then days in dt.Month then add 1 to dt.Day,
  • else if dt.Month less then 12 then add 1 to dt.Month and set dt.Day to 1,
  • else add 1 to dt.Year and set dt.Day and dt.Month to 1.

See UTC Time, Formally Verified.

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Instances For
    theorem Verify.Gregorian.zero_of_modified_julian_day_eq :
    (Time.fromGregorian { Year := 1858, Month := 11, , Day := 17, , IsValid := Time.Verify.Calendar.Gregorian._auxLemma.1 } == { modifiedJulianDay := 0 }) = true

    the modified julian day of day 1858-11-17 should have value zero.

    the default values of Date and Day are january 1 of year 1 and should be equal.

    theorem Verify.Gregorian.next_date_of_day_lt_eq' {dt : Time.Date} {dy : Nat} {ml : { m : Nat × Nat // MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }} (hml : ml = MonthLength.monthLengths_of_date dt) (h : dt.Day.val < ml.val.snd) (heq : Time.dy' false dt.Month dt.Day = dy) (hl : Time.isLeapYear dt.Year = false) :
    { Year := dt.Year, Month := dt.Month, Day := dt.Day.val + 1, , IsValid := } = Time.ordinalDateToDate { year := dt.Year, dayOfYear := Time.DayOfYear.common dy + 1, , isValid := }
    theorem Verify.Gregorian.next_date_of_day_lt_eq'' {dt : Time.Date} {dy : Nat} {ml : { m : Nat × Nat // MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }} (hml : ml = MonthLength.monthLengths_of_date dt) (h : dt.Day.val < ml.val.snd) (heq : Time.dy' true dt.Month dt.Day = dy) (hl : Time.isLeapYear dt.Year = true) :
    { Year := dt.Year, Month := dt.Month, Day := dt.Day.val + 1, , IsValid := } = Time.ordinalDateToDate { year := dt.Year, dayOfYear := Time.DayOfYear.leap dy + 1, , isValid := }
    theorem Verify.Gregorian.next_date_of_day_lt_eq (dt : Time.Date) (ml : { m : Nat × Nat // MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }) (hml : ml = MonthLength.monthLengths_of_date dt) (h : dt.Day.val < ml.val.snd) :
    { Year := dt.Year, Month := dt.Month, Day := dt.Day.val + 1, , IsValid := } = Time.ordinalDateToDate (OrdinalDate.next_date (Time.dateToOrdinalDate dt))
    theorem Verify.Gregorian.next_date_of_last_day_of_month_eq' {simp : 1 1 1 31} {dt : Time.Date} {dy : Nat} {ml : { m : Nat × Nat // MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }} (hml : ml = MonthLength.monthLengths_of_date dt) (h : dt.Day.val = ml.val.snd) (hm : dt.Month.val < 12) (heq : Time.dy' false dt.Month dt.Day = dy) (hl : Time.isLeapYear dt.Year = false) :
    { Year := dt.Year, Month := dt.Month.val + 1, , Day := 1, simp, IsValid := } = Time.ordinalDateToDate { year := dt.Year, dayOfYear := Time.DayOfYear.common dy + 1, , isValid := }
    theorem Verify.Gregorian.next_date_of_last_day_of_month_eq'' {simp : 1 1 1 31} {dt : Time.Date} {dy : Nat} {ml : { m : Nat × Nat // MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }} (hml : ml = MonthLength.monthLengths_of_date dt) (h : dt.Day.val = ml.val.snd) (hm : dt.Month.val < 12) (heq : Time.dy' true dt.Month dt.Day = dy) (hl : Time.isLeapYear dt.Year = true) :
    { Year := dt.Year, Month := dt.Month.val + 1, , Day := 1, simp, IsValid := } = Time.ordinalDateToDate { year := dt.Year, dayOfYear := Time.DayOfYear.leap dy + 1, , isValid := }
    theorem Verify.Gregorian.next_date_of_last_day_of_month_eq {simp : 1 1 1 31} (dt : Time.Date) (ml : { m : Nat × Nat // MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }) (hml : ml = MonthLength.monthLengths_of_date dt) (h : ¬dt.Day.val < ml.val.snd) (hm : dt.Month.val < 12) :
    { Year := dt.Year, Month := dt.Month.val + 1, , Day := 1, simp, IsValid := } = Time.ordinalDateToDate (OrdinalDate.next_date (Time.dateToOrdinalDate dt))
    theorem Verify.Gregorian.dy'_of_last_day_of_year (dt : Time.Date) (ml : { m : Nat × Nat // MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }) (hml : ml = MonthLength.monthLengths_of_date dt) (h1 : ¬dt.Day.val < ml.val.snd) (h2 : ¬dt.Month.val < 12) :
    Time.dy' (Time.isLeapYear dt.Year) dt.Month dt.Day = if Time.isLeapYear dt.Year = true then 366 else 365
    theorem Verify.Gregorian.next_date_of_last_day_of_year_eq (dt : Time.Date) (ml : { m : Nat × Nat // MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }) (hml : ml = MonthLength.monthLengths_of_date dt) (h1 : ¬dt.Day.val < ml.val.snd) (h2 : ¬dt.Month.val < 12) :
    { Year := dt.Year + 1, Month := 1, , Day := 1, , IsValid := } = Time.ordinalDateToDate (OrdinalDate.next_date (Time.dateToOrdinalDate dt))