

Theorems about Time.dy properties #

Main theorems:

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For
                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                    Instances For
                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                      Instances For
                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                        Instances For
                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                          Instances For
                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                            Instances For

                              Get day of year of last day of all months by Time.dy

                              Instances For

                                Compute Time.dy for all days in a year

                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                Instances For
                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                  Instances For
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.monthFirstDayAsDayOfYear_eq_dy (isleap : Bool) (a : Nat × Nat × Nat) :
                                    a Time.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear' isleapa.snd.fst = Time.dy isleap a.fst 1

                                    Get first day of month as day of year by lookup in monthLastDayAsDayOfYear is equal to compute by Time.dy

                                    Get last day of month as day of year by lookup in monthLastDayAsDayOfYear is equal to compute by Time.dy

                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.dy_eq_incr (isleap : Bool) (m : Time.Icc 1 12) (d : Time.Icc 1 31) :
                                    Time.dy isleap m.val d.val = Time.dy isleap m.val 1 + d.val - 1
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.dy_eq_dy' (isleap : Bool) (m : Time.Icc 1 12) (d : Time.Icc 1 31) :
                                    Time.dy isleap m.val d.val = Time.dy' isleap m d
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.lt_dy'_lt (isleap : Bool) (month : Time.Icc 1 12) (day1 day2 : Time.Icc 1 31) (hlt : day1.val < day2.val) :
                                    Time.dy' isleap month day1 < Time.dy' isleap month day2
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.dy'_hlt {dt : Time.Date} {ml : { m : Nat × Nat // Verify.MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }} (h : dt.Day.val < ml.val.snd) :
                                    Time.dy' (Time.isLeapYear dt.Year) dt.Month dt.Day < Time.dy' (Time.isLeapYear dt.Year) dt.Month ml.val.snd,
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.dy'_hle {dt : Time.Date} (ml : { m : Nat × Nat // Verify.MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }) :
                                    Time.dy' (Time.isLeapYear dt.Year) dt.Month ml.val.snd, if Time.isLeapYear dt.Year = true then 366 else 365
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.dy'_hlt' {dt : Time.Date} {ml : { m : Nat × Nat // Verify.MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }} (h : dt.Day.val < ml.val.snd) :
                                    Time.dy' (Time.isLeapYear dt.Year) dt.Month dt.Day < if Time.isLeapYear dt.Year = true then 366 else 365
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.dy'_add_one_hle {dt : Time.Date} {ml : { m : Nat × Nat // Verify.MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }} (h : dt.Day.val < ml.val.snd) :
                                    Time.dy' (Time.isLeapYear dt.Year) dt.Month dt.Day + 1 if Time.isLeapYear dt.Year = true then 366 else 365
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.dy'_lt_of_month_lt {dt : Time.Date} (h : dt.Month.val < 12) :
                                    Time.dy' (Time.isLeapYear dt.Year) dt.Month dt.Day < if Time.isLeapYear dt.Year = true then 366 else 365
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.dy_lt_of_month_lt {dt : Time.Date} (h : dt.Month.val < 12) :
                                    match (Time.dateToOrdinalDate dt).dayOfYear with | Time.DayOfYear.common dy => dy.val < 365 | Time.DayOfYear.leap dy => dy.val < 366
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.dy_lt_of_day_lt {dt : Time.Date} {ml : { m : Nat × Nat // Verify.MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }} (h : dt.Day.val < ml.val.snd) :
                                    match (Time.dateToOrdinalDate dt).dayOfYear with | Time.DayOfYear.common dy => dy.val < 365 | Time.DayOfYear.leap dy => dy.val < 366
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.dy_lt_of_day_or_month_lt {dt : Time.Date} {ml : { m : Nat × Nat // Verify.MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }} (h : dt.Day.val < ml.val.snd dt.Month.val < 12) :
                                    match (Time.dateToOrdinalDate dt).dayOfYear with | Time.DayOfYear.common dy => dy.val < 365 | Time.DayOfYear.leap dy => dy.val < 366
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.dy'_month_1_eq (dt : Time.Date) (isleap : Bool) (h : Time.dy' isleap dt.Month dt.Day 30) :
                                    1 = dt.Month.val
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.dy'_month_1_day_eq (dt : Time.Date) (isleap : Bool) (h : Time.dy' isleap dt.Month dt.Day 30) :
                                    Time.dy' isleap dt.Month dt.Day = dt.Day.val
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.month_11_if_lt {dt : Time.Date} (isLeap : Bool) {ml : { m : Nat × Nat // Verify.MonthLength.monthLengthsOfDate m dt }} (hml : ml = Verify.MonthLength.monthLengths_of_date dt) (h : dt.Day.val < ml.val.snd) (hl : Time.isLeapYear dt.Year = isLeap) :
                                    dt.Month.val = 11dt.Day.val < 30
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.dy'_month_12_eq (dt : Time.Date) (isleap : Bool) (h : dt.Day.val < 31) (h' : dt.Month.val = 11dt.Day.val < 30) (h1 : (if isleap = true then 335 else 334) < Time.dy' isleap dt.Month dt.Day + 1) :
                                    12 = dt.Month.val
                                    theorem Verify.DayOfYear.dy'_month_12_day_eq (dt : Time.Date) (isleap : Bool) (h : dt.Day.val < 31) (h' : dt.Month.val = 11dt.Day.val < 30) (h1 : (if isleap = true then 335 else 334) < Time.dy' isleap dt.Month dt.Day + 1) :
                                    dt.Day.val + 1 = Time.dy' isleap dt.Month dt.Day - if isleap = true then 334 else 333