

Theorems about Time.monthLengths properties #

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Instances For
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
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          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
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            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
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              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
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                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
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                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
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                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
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                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                        Instances For
                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                          Instances For
                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
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                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
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                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
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                                    Relation of Date to Time.monthLengths list.

                                    Instances For

                                      Build relation of Date to Time.monthLengths.

                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                      Instances For
                                        theorem Verify.MonthLength.monthLengths_days_le (isleap : Bool) (a : Nat × Nat) :
                                        a Time.monthLengths isleap(if isleap = true then 29 else 28) a.snd
                                        theorem Verify.MonthLength.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear'_sub_of_monthLengths (isleap : Bool) (a : Nat × Nat × Nat) (b : Nat × Nat) :
                                        a Time.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear' isleapb Time.monthLengths isleapa.fst = b.fsta.snd.snd - a.snd.fst + 1 = b.snd
                                        theorem Verify.MonthLength.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear'_month_lt_12_lt (isleap : Bool) (dt : Time.Date) (a : { x : Nat × Nat × Nat // x Time.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear' isleap x.fst = dt.Month.val }) (h : a.val.fst < 12) :
                                        a.val.snd.fst < if isleap = true then 336 else 335
                                        theorem Verify.MonthLength.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear'_month_1_eq (dt : Time.Date) (isleap : Bool) (a : { x : Nat × Nat × Nat // x Time.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear' isleap x.fst = dt.Month.val }) (h : a.val.snd.fst 31) :
                                        1 = a.val.fst
                                        theorem Verify.MonthLength.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear'_day_of_month_1_eq (dt : Time.Date) (isleap : Bool) (a : { x : Nat × Nat × Nat // x Time.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear' isleap x.fst = dt.Month.val }) (h : a.val.fst = 1) :
                                        1 = a.val.snd.fst
                                        theorem Verify.MonthLength.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear'_month_12_eq (dt : Time.Date) (isleap : Bool) (a : { x : Nat × Nat × Nat // x Time.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear' isleap x.fst = dt.Month.val }) (h : (if isleap = true then 306 else 305) < a.val.snd.fst) :
                                        12 = a.val.fst
                                        theorem Verify.MonthLength.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear'_month_12_eq' (dt : Time.Date) (isleap : Bool) (a : { x : Nat × Nat × Nat // x Time.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear' isleap x.fst = dt.Month.val }) (h : (if isleap = true then 305 else 304) < a.val.snd.fst) :
                                        11 = a.val.fst 12 = a.val.fst
                                        theorem Verify.MonthLength.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear'_day_of_month_12_eq (dt : Time.Date) (isleap : Bool) (a : { x : Nat × Nat × Nat // x Time.monthLastDayAsDayOfYear' isleap x.fst = dt.Month.val }) (h : a.val.fst = 12) :
                                        (if isleap = true then 336 else 335) = a.val.snd.fst
                                        theorem Verify.MonthLength.month_11_if_eq {ml : Nat × Nat} (isLeap : Bool) (h : ml Time.monthLengths isLeap) :
                                        ml.fst = 11ml.snd = 30